Category Archives: dvd

LUX season 1 & 2 on dvd

From TV SHOW ON DVD: Early this month we broke the hearts of manyLife Unexpectedfans. The show, which airs on The CW network, hadn’t finished airing the second season broadcasts, and hadn’t been officially renewed or canceled (nor has it been up to this date, either!). But we reported that Warner Home Video had formally announced an April 5th DVD release of both the first and second seasons of the show, on 6 discs, officially titled as “Life Unexpected – The Complete Series“. READ THE FULL ARTICLE

“Lost Dream” On DVD!!!

Producer Reel Energy has signed a distribution deal with Osiris Entertainment to release Lost Dream on DVD March 23. It is not rated (NR) but includes some scenes of drug use, disturbing images, and sexual material for mature audiences only. Presented in 16:9 Widescreen format with 5.1 Surround sound, the package includes the following special features:
•Making of Lost Dream
•Behind the Scenes
•Cast & Crew Interviews
•Audio commentary with
director Asif Ahmed and actors Michael Welch and Shaun Sipos